Woman of the Hour vs Dirty Harry: Murder of the Hour

Anna Kendrick’s directorial debut Woman of the Hour is our new film at the Two Reel Cinema Club this week, a true life serial killer thriller that mixes perky humour and dreadful violence to powerful effect. We’re comparing it to one of the granddaddies of serial killer movies, 1971’s Dirty Harry. Which film is stacked to the rafters with Christian imagery? Which film takes no interest in the victims of crime whatsoever? Which film feels like four different films squished together? And which film is like a Rosetta Stone that can explain modern American politics?

Plus we have a Portland Maine special edition, with two local horror films, two locally born stars and one local real estate deal, as well as a cameo from Churchill, a surprisingly helpful doctor, a naked blues band, a sauce that goes with everything, a real life baddie from the seventeenth century, a complaint from the cliché squad about the colour orange, and a surprise guest appearance by Donald Trump’s ear.

If you enjoyed the show, find us on social media:

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Or come to our website, where we’ll be writing about the movies we cover in the show and a few more things besides: https://tworeelcinemaclub.com