We’re lost in the desert, deep in conspiracy country this episode, as we enjoy the new Scarlett Johansson / Channing Tatum ‘how they could have faked the moon landings’ rom com Fly Me To The Moon, and compare it to its direct antecedent, the 1977 Elliot Gould ‘how they might fake the Mars landings’ thriller Capricorn One. The parallels are obvious, the treatments are completely different. Or are they? Which film features ‘fluffy gravity’? Which reminds us of Doris Day and Rock Hudson? Which features a Charlie’s Angels cameo? Which stars the father of Thanos? And which film truly saves the cat?
Plus a modern classic from Steven Soderbergh, an environmental documentary with a convicted felon who’s served her time, a discussion of Elon Musk’s bitter foretaste, a flock of birds visits the studio, we tackle the world’s hardest word puzzle with our sponsor, and we discover exactly what NASA does when one of their engineers disappears…
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