Flow vs Princess Mononoke: Cats vs Wolves

We’re watching new Latvian animated film Flow this episode, a beautiful and distinctive looking parable about cooperation and environmental collapse, and we’re comparing it to the 1997 Studio Ghibli classic Princess Mononoke. These two movies offer two very different perspectives on the effects of humans on the lives of animals: Flow seems simple and family friendly, while Mononoke is violent, complex and morally ambiguous. But which of these films offers hope? Which could do with more jokes? Which is surprisingly violent? Which left us with more questions than answers? And which one has just tooooo much going on?

Plus the return of an old sponsor in a new outfit, a screening of a Hitchcock silent picture with live music, a strange dream about Florence Pugh, a review of a philosophical essay from 1974 about bats, a watch of a 2019 film that could almost be a video game, and quite a lot of talk about mice.

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