As George W Bush famously once asked, ‘Is our children learning?’ Join us in the specially commissioned TRCC Popcorn Counter Lecture Theatre as we celebrate our 100th episode. There we try to distill the lessons we’ve garnered from recording two years of podcasts into ten condensed nuggets of insight. Has all that viewing and talking about films made us any wiser, or just hoarser? Can we apply the intelligence of George Orwell to the podcaster’s craft? Why does Oppenheimer get mentioned not once but twice? And have we come up with the perfect sequel to Groundhog Day?
Thanks to all our listeners for sticking with us over the first one hundred episodes, and here’s hoping you’ll join us in raising a half empty soda can to the next hundred.
If you enjoyed the show, find us on social media:
Instagram: @tworeelcinemaclub
Contact us at [email protected]
Or come to our website, where we’ll be writing about the movies we cover in the show and a few more things besides: